Gifting Stocks
Gifting appreciated stock is one of the most effective means of tax savings available.
If you are considering a charitable contribution this year, it is in your best interest to seek out the most effective manner in which your money can work for you.
The benefits of gifting appreciated stock:
The satisfaction of knowing your money is invested in a cause important to you.
Capital gains taxes on the stock are avoided.
You will be eligible to receive an income tax charitable deduction for the full fair-market-value of the stock at the time of the gift.
To qualify for these special tax advantages, the security must have been held for at least one year. A gift of stock in certificate form should be postmarked by December 31, 2021, or your financial advisor can arrange for a year end gift of stock from your account.
Please consult with your tax professional about specific tax treatment, deductibility, etc.
The New Mexico Philharmonic Foundation portfolio is managed by two excellent local investment managers who are fellow supporters of the NMPhil and understand our mission.
Thank you so much for all your support and for considering this new avenue of giving,
Stephen Baca
President of the Board, New Mexico Philharmonic Foundation